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What are Trigger Based Multichannel Marketing Campaigns?

Trigger based, multichannel campaigns are exactly what they describe. A single message, distributed across multiple channels, with rules launching each occurrence or event within the campaign.

Let’s say you wanted to create a retention campaign targeting annual membership renewal. Your first contact to existing customers might be an email 30 days out from the customer’s renewal date. Triggers on the email might look like this:

  • If email bounces immediately produce a hard copy renewal notice and mail;

  • If email is unopened after 10 days immediately produce a hard copy renewal notice and mail;

  • If email is opened, but not actioned after 15 days send a reminder email;

Each of these actions, or in this case non-actions, triggers a different event in the campaign, often via a different channel.


A resounding yes! Triggers help find the right medium, time and message for every customer.  Yet it’s often the combination of various channels, highly personalised messages and multiple touch points that breed success. In a campaign executed for a local insurance company, not only did they reduce costs by a whopping 60%, but renewal rates doubled. 

In a campaign executed for a local insurance company, not only did they reduce costs by a whopping 60%, but renewal rates doubled.


This is easier than you think. Printcraft has its own, planning tool called PIVOT circle.

A drop and drag template, PIVOT circle builds a visual workflow of each touch point, including any associated triggers and rules. For a basic campaign, you might end up with something like this:

The Printcraft team then take this workflow and make it a reality. The key benefit to this software is the ability to duplicate or change your campaign with relative ease. 


Yes. The more triggers you add, the more targeted and ultimately successful your campaign is likely to be. If you’re familiar with the marketing 101,  ‘right message, right time, right medium’ slogan, you’ll appreciate that trigger based campaigns bring you closer to achieving this utopia. 

Multiple triggers on an email touch point might include:

  • If email bounces immediately send an SMS to confirm valid email address.

  • If email is unopened after 15 days immediately produce a hard copy renewal notice and mail;

  • If email is opened, but not actioned after 15 days send a reminder email;

If you’d like to know more about planning and executing multichannel campaigns, including the use of time and event triggers, contact us at Printcraft.

Our easy to use planning tool will help you map out the channels, events and triggers to suit the needs of your customers and your campaign.

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